Show Manager/Media Coordinator/Production Manager
Upon graduation in late '73, he and his filmmaking partner, Richard Borkowski, plus the rest of his extended family made their way west to Boulder, Colorado. The lure of skiing and being closer to L.A. was just too much to keep him on the east coast. Capitalizing on their educational filmmaking experience, he and his partner were hired by the University of Colorado in the spring of '74 to help produce a series of 9, half hour, films on alternative energy sources on a grant from the U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.
While working at C.U., he met his future wife and business partner, graphic designer, Mimi Kiedaisch. Together in 1976, they started their own production company, the Studio. The rest, as they say, is history. For the next 23 years they worked together producing marketing collateral for print, advertising, multi-image, film and video for Fortune 100 companies like IBM, StorageTek, Valleylab, Coors, Sun Microsystems and many others.
In 1999, Larry joined The Garkie Group as Director of Marketing and Production and enjoyed some very productive years until he left the Group in late 2002. Since that time, he reestablished himself as an independent writer/producer in his own production company, Telluris Studios, with his wife, fine artist, Mimi Elmore.
For the next 6 years until the crash in 2008, Larry had the pleasure of producing the annual awards recognition video program for Educause, which is the association of high technology within higer education. During that time, he interviewed University Presidents and Cheif Technolgy Officers from our most prestigious unniversities and colleges like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cal, NYU, Columbia, Chicago, Virginia Tech, Penn State, Carnegie Mellon, Georgetown, Michigan, Wellesley, and many others.
But that's not all that kept Larry busy, his interviewing and production skills were recruited by Olgilvy/Leopard to create customer reference videos for numerous IBM divisions and Thomson Learning. Across the U.S, or around the globe to New Zealand, Australia, Japan, or Europe, Larry would work with local crews to get the interviews that he needed for his films.